Hands-on Lifestyle

Hands-on Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is all about finding balance in your life.

We live in a stressful world where we need to keep up with the rat race and the stressors of daily living can get too much.

It is very hard to juggle work, home life, and finding time to take care of yourself and your health.

At Hands-on Lifestyle we help you to find your balance by teaching you coping skills to use in your daily routine.

We also teach you how to use relaxation therapy in your daily routine to reduce the stress that daily life causes.

We teach you how to improve your general health and protect your body from unnecessary wear and tear to prevent early joint deterioration.

We offer individual training sessions,  lifestyle and wellness retreat camps, and  presentations for patients and  corporate companies.


Hands-on Lifestyle Qualifications
  • Sensory Intelligence Therapy